If you want to translate to an unsupported language, you can translate the UI elements.

Create an i18n file

To do so, you have to create the i18n diretory inside the root of the site, the directory where you can find the hugo.yaml file, and directories like data, content, etc.

Afterwards, you can create the file <language_code>.toml into the i18n directory. In this directory, you can find all language codes with the flag that will appear with that code.

Translate the UI elements

Inside the new file, just copy the following content, and replace the content between the quotation marks with the name in your desired language.

If the content below gets obsolete, you can copy the contents from the en file.
# More documentation here: https://github.com/nicksnyder/go-i18n
other = "Home"

other = "Posts"

other = "Table of Contents"

other = "Tags"

other = "Categories"

other = "at"

other = "My resume"

other = "Navigation"

other = "Contact me:"

other = "Email"

other = "Phone"

other = "Stay up to date with email notification"

other = "Enter email"

other = "By entering your email address, you agree to receive the newsletter of this website."

other = "Submit"

other = "Powered by"

other = "Prev"

other = "Next"

other = "Share on"

other = "Improve this page"

other = "out of"

other = "Publications"

other = "Taken Courses"

other = "Course Name"

other = "Total Credit"

other = "Obtained Credit"

other = "Extracurricular Activities"

other = "Show More"

other = "Show Less"

other = "Responsibilities:"

other = "Present"

other = "Please enable JavaScript to view the"

other = "comments powered by"

other = "Read"

other = "Star"

other = "Details"

other = "The page you are looking for is not there yet."

other = "More"

other = "View Certificate"

other = "Notes"

other = "Liability Notice"

other = "Search"

one = "minute"
other = "minutes"