Toha V4 has introduced a lots of breaking changes in terms of how the theme is used and how it is configured. This guide will help you to migrate from v3 to v4 version of the theme. Please, check this release notes for complete changelog.

In this guide, I will walk you through the steps to migrate from version 3 to version 4 of the Toha theme. This guide is based on the migration guide written by Alexandre Neto in this issue. Let’s get started!

1. Remove toha git submodule

Toha V4 has made some changes to the installation process. One of the changes is that the theme no longer uses a git submodule. Therefore, we need to remove the toha git submodule. Don’t worry, this step will not remove any of your content.

git rm themes/toha/
git commit -m "Remove v3 theme"

2. Remove theme from hugo.yaml

In the new version, we no longer need to specify the theme in the hugo.yaml file. Instead, we will add the theme as a module. Therefore, remove the following line from your hugo.yaml file:

theme: toha

3. Meet the requirements

For building the site locally we will need to update/install the following requirements:

  1. Hugo version v0.118.x (extended) or later.
  2. Go language version v1.18.x or later.
  3. Node version v18.x and npm version 8.x or later.

Make sure you have installed all the required tools.

4. Initialize Hugo Module

Toha V4 now uses Hugo Module to manage the theme. To get going, we need to initialize the module.

hugo mod init<your username>/<your repo name>

This will create a go.mod file in the root of your site. You can check the file to see if it has been created properly.

5. Add the theme as a module

Now, add the following module section in your hugo.yaml file. This will add the theme as a module and also mount the static files from the theme.

# Use Hugo modules to add theme
  - path:
  - source: static/files
    target: static/files
  - source: ./node_modules/flag-icon-css/flags
    target: static/flags
  - source: ./node_modules/@fontsource/mulish/files
    target: static/files
  - source: ./node_modules/katex/dist/fonts
    target: static/fonts

6. Update the hugo.yaml file

In the new version, the configuration structure for managing features has been restructured. Therefore, it is necessary to update the hugo.yaml file. For reference, you can check the sample hugo.yaml. Here, we will highlight the most commonly used configurations that need to be changed.

Dark Mode:

We have introduced a new built-in dark mode support. As a result, there is no longer a need to use a third-party service like darkreader. To enable the new dark mode, please remove the following lines from your hugo.yaml file:

    provider: darkreader
    enable: true
    default: system

Then, add the following lines under params.features section:

  enable: true


We have restructured the configuration for analytics, comments, and support service providers. They are now placed under the services field of the respective section.

Therefore, your previous analytics configuration will be updated from:

  enabled: true


  enable: true
      id: UA-XXXXXXXXX-X


Likewise, your existing comments configuration will be transformed as follows:

  enable: true
    shortName: <your-disqus-shortname>


  enable: true
      shortName: <your-disqus-shortname>


And, your following support configuration will change from:

  enabled: true
    user: <your ko-fi user id>
    text: Tip Me
    textColor: '#f9fafc'
    backgroundColor: '#248aaa'


  enable: false
      user: hossainemruz
      text: Tip Me
      textColor: '#f9fafc'
      backgroundColor: '#248aaa'

Other Changes:

There are few other options that have been changed. For examples:

enableToc: true

replaced by:

  enable: true


enableTags: true

replaced by:

  enable: true
  on_card: true


showFlags: true

replace by:

# Specify whether to show flag in the language selector. Default is true.
  enable: true
  # # If you want to use different country flag for a language, specify them here.
  # flagOverwrites:
  #   - languageCode: en
  #     countryCode: us

There have been a few other changes. Please refer to the sample configuration file for more details.

7. Build the site

Finally, you ready to build the theme. Please, execute the following steps to build the site:

a. Load Hugo modules

hugo mod tidy

b. Install node modules

hugo mod npm pack
npm install

c. Run the site

hugo server -w

I hope this guide has been helpful in migrating your theme from V3 to V4. If you encounter any issues, please feel free to open an issue in the Github repository.