After installing this theme, when you first run your site, it will start with the default parameters. It should look similar to this example site, but it won’t have any sections on the homepage. Don’t worry, you can easily add those sections by providing the necessary data files.

In the upcoming posts, I’ll guide you on how to add those sections and customize your site. But first, let’s start with changing the site parameters. You can modify the background, logo, author information, and enable/disable various features.

For a comprehensive list of available configuration parameters, please refer to the example site.

Add Background Image

At first, let’s set a background on your website. Put your desired background image in the assets/images directory. Then add the following in the params section of your hugo.yaml file.

background: "images/name-of-your-background-image.jpg"
# Optional, for a different background image in dark mode
darkBackground: "images/name-of-your-dark-background-image.jpg"

To add logos for your site, you need two different logos: one for the transparent navbar and another for the non-transparent navbar. Place your logos in the assets/images directory and add the following code under the params section of your hugo.yaml file.

# The inverted logo will be used in the initial transparent navbar and
# the main logo will be used in the non-transparent navbar.
  main: images/main-logo.png
  inverted: images/inverted-logo.png
  favicon: images/favicon.png

Enable Blog Post

To enable blog posting on your site, you need to make some changes in the hugo.yaml file. Locate the params.features section and add the following code:

# Enable and configure blog posts
  enable: true
  showAuthor: true # shows the post author (defaults true)

Enable Table Of Contents

Now, if you want to show Table Of Contents section in your blog post, you have to enable it in the params.features section of hugo.yaml file.

  enable: true

You can also control the level of your TOC by adding the following configuration in the markup section of your hugo.yaml file.

    startLevel: 2
    endLevel: 6
    ordered: false

Here, we have configured our TOC to show all headings from h2 to h6.

Enable <Improve This Page> Button

If you want to allow readers to easily improve a post by making corrections such as fixing typos or indentation, you can enable the <Improve This Page> button. To do this, add your git repository URL in the params section of your hugo.yaml file.

gitRepo: <your site's Github repo URL>

This will add a button labeled Improve This Page at the bottom of every blog post. The button will route the user directly to the respective edit page in Github.

If your default branch is not named main, you need to specify your git default branch in the params section of your hugo.yaml file.

gitBranch: <your git default branch name>

Enable Newsletter

To enable the newsletter feature, you need to provide the necessary parameters under the params.footer section in your hugo.yaml file. Currently, the newsletter feature only supports the Mailchimp provider. Here is an example of how it should look:

  enable: true
  provider: mailchimp

To disable the newsletter feature, you can set the following configuration:

  enable: false

Enable RAW HTML in the Markdown File

If you want to include RAW HTML in your markdown files, you need to enable unsafe rendering. Without enabling this, Hugo will not render the HTML. To enable unsafe markdown rendering, add the following goldmark settings to the markup section of your hugo.yaml file.

      unsafe: true

Add Author Information

Now, provide your basic information. Create a author.yaml file in your /data/en directory and add the author information there.

# some information about you
name: "Jane Doe"
nickname: "Jane"
image: "images/avatar.png"

# greeting message before your name. it will default to "Hi! I am" if not provided
greeting: "Hi, I am"

# give your contact information. they will be used in the footer
  email: ""
  phone: "+0123456789"
    icon: stack-overflow
    url: ""
    text: "ExampleUser"

# a summary of what you do
- I am a Developer
- I work with Go
- I love to work with some fun projects

Note: The contactInfo parameters will use the icon field to find the respective icon. Make sure the icon field matches the font awesome icon names. You can find examples here.

To add a copyright notice for your site, create a site.yaml file in your /data/en directory. Add the following section to the file:

copyright: © 2024 Copyright.

Site’s Description

To add a description of your site that will help search engines find your site, you need to add a description section in your site.yaml file.

# Meta description for your site.  This will help the search engines to find your site.
description: Example site for hugo theme Toha.

Add Custom Menus

To add custom menus in the navbar, you can modify the site.yaml file. By default, custom menus are visible in the navigation bar. To hide a custom menu, set the hideFromNavbar property to true. By default, custom menus are hidden from the footer’s navigation area. To show a custom menu item in the footer, set its showOnFooter property to true. This is particularly helpful when you want to add a link to another site in the navbar.

- name: Notes
  hideFromNavbar: false
  showOnFooter: true

Change Navbar Title

To change the title appearing on the navbar, you can modify site.yaml file. By defauly, the title corresponds to the website name. You can add the following line:

navBarTitle: "Title"

Now, you can run your site and see the changes. In the upcoming posts, I’ll guide you on how to add sections to your homepage and customize your site further.