The Achievements section is designed to display your accomplishments in a visually appealing gallery format. This guide will walk you through the process of configuring the Achievements section on your website. For a complete reference, you can refer to the sample achievements.yaml file.

To begin, create a new file named achievements.yaml in the data/en/sections directory of your website. Then, follow the instructions below.

Add Section Information

Add the following section metadata to your achievements.yaml file:

# section information
  name: Achievements
  id: achievements
  enable: true
  weight: 9
  showOnNavbar: true
  # Can optionally hide the title in sections
  # hideTitle: true

Add Your Achievements

To add your achievements, open the achievements.yaml file and include the following entries under the achievements section:

- title: Best Presenter
  image: images/sections/achievements/presenter.jpg
  summary: Best presenter in the 2020 XYZ conference.

Each achievements entry should have the following fields,

  • title: The title of the achievement.
  • image: An image of the achievement.
  • summary: A summary of the achievement.

You can use markdown syntax in the summary field.

The following image shows how the contents of achievements.yaml are mapped into the Achievements section.